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FunPro |05


FunPro |06


Funding Project(2017-2022)
​Highly Efficienct and Scalable Big Data Model, System and Optimization



National Key R&D Program of China

This project aims to research on develop new technologies and systems of next-generation big data analysis platform. It focuses on hybrid storage model, scalable computing and self-adaptive architecture. Deep learning and intelligent interactive interface can be easily built upon the platform.

FunPro |01


FunPro |05


Funding Project(2014-2018)
​Making Big Data Active: From Petabytes to Megafolks in Milliseconds(BAD)


Junior Specialist

NSF Award

This project aims to continuously and reliably capture Big Data arising from social, mobile, Web, and sensed data sources and enable timely delivery of information to users with indicated interests. The effort involves challenges related to parallel databases, Big Data platforms, stream data management, and publish/subscribe systems. The software basis for this work is AsterixDB, an open-source Big Data Management System (BDMS) that supports the scalable storage, searching, and analysis of mass quantities of semi-structured data. By leveraging AsterixDB, this project aims at the next step in big data management: creating an "active BDMS".

FunPro |04
Funding Project(2015-2019)
​Theory and Techniques of Privacy Protection in Internet of Things Search


Key Participant


National Natural Science Foundation of China

The Internet of Things (IoTs) can achieve the connection of all entities in our sensing world. The search technology of it will provide the information and relation of people, machines and objects. However, serious privacy disclosure risks are exposed when we are enjoying the convenience brought by IoTs search technologies. This project is proposed to further study the privacy preservation theory and the key technology in IoTs search, and to solve the problems of security and availability of data, safety and control of search and evaluation of privacy preservation. We aim to build the privacy preservation theory and technical framework for IoTs search to promote the development of IoTs search.

Funding Project(2014-2019)
Integretion and Visualization of Big Media Data based on Community Interest Model



National High-Tech Research and Development Plan of China(863)



FunPro |03


Big media data from social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter, is growing exponentially. Users with similar interests form certain communities and these communities are complex. This project is proposed to integrate the interest communities form different sources and visualize the results. The challenges not only lie in mine the massive communities but also visualize them in an efficient and interactive way.

FunPro |02


Funding Project(2011-2013)
Complex Query in Wireless Sensor Network



National Natural Science Foundation of China

FunPro |01


Funding Project
Sign Language Recognition based on Visual Detectio  on Mobile Terminal

Leading Role


University Steudent Creativity Project

Project |01


Project |01 "Hello, Qin" 2011.07-2011.09

"Hello, Qin" is an app based on android system. It's a social app based on local contacts. It won  Second Prize in "Beijing Unicom Cup-2011 Beijing College Students' Computer Application Competition”. Link here.

Project |02


Project |02 "ForEasy" 2011.10-2011.12

"ForEasy" is designed for the old. It's a contact book app based on android. Link here.

Project |03


Project |03 "RTSL2011.07-2013.07

"RTSL" is supported by "Beijing Undergrads Innovation Projects" for two years. "RTSL" is short for "Recogniziton Technology of Sign Language".  We work on the sign language recognition technology on mobile devices and develop a software that recognises static sign language efficiently and accurately. Link here.

Project |04


Project |04 "ExpressGo2012.10-2012.12

"ExpressGo" is a prototype of management system for logistics. The bar and QR code recognition are embedded in the client. 

Project |05


Project |05 "MyRadar" 2013.02-2013.06

"MyRadar" is a manage system for road disaster. It's based on the C/S model and realise visualization on digital maps.

Project |06


Project |06 "SociBuy2013.12-2014.01

We aim to create a new way or style that how we social and buy. The idea came from crowd sourcing and lost after share both. We realise the prototype on android system with a desktop server.

Project |07


Project |07 "CrowdWeather2014.12-2015.04

"CrowdWeather" is developed for the realtime and accurate weather forecast from grassroots. It's based on the crowd sensing architecture. The data are aggegated and analyzed intelligently at the cloud server side.

Project |08


Project |08 "HelPal" 2015.02-present

We design and implement a general location based O2O(online to offline) crowd platform for realtime intelligent service, "HelPal". We make HelPal the next information engine from search engine, Service Engine. Link here.

Project |09


Project |09 "OptiX" 2016.10-present

We add crowdsourcing feature to Big Active Data Management System, AsterixDB. The crowd-end is supported by HelPal. Optimization techs are implemented.

Project |09


Project |10
Project |10 "biggy" 2017.01-present

We envision a universal architecture of (big) data management, datar. A datar is a set of coherent softewares/systems that can manage (big) data pluggablly, automatically and intelligently with specific functionalities. To put the envisioned datar into practice, we implement it as biggy.

Project |10
Project |11


Project |11 "ASSclub" 2018.10-present

ASSclub is short for Anti-Social Social club, which is a totally chic and different social app. This app features with a) UNsimilar friends recomendation, b) tails friend vacuum, c) forceliy anonymous socializing, d) unread msgs auto deletion, e) restricted online time, f) artificial robots friends, g) etc. The phylosiphy is friends become friends when they are not friends.

Just a sample of my work. To see more or discuss possible work >>

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